Networked Knowledge Organization
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Announcement | NKOS Application Profile | KOS Registries and Standards | NKOS Workshops | Archived early efforts
NKOS is devoted to the discussion of the functional and data model for enabling knowledge organization systems/services (KOS), such as classification systems, thesauri, gazetteers, and ontologies, as networked interactive information services to support the description and retrieval of diverse information resources through the Internet.
Knowledge Organization Systems/Services (KOS) model the underlying semantic structure of a domain. Embodied as Web-based services, they can facilitate resource discovery and retrieval. They act as semantic road maps and make possible a common orientation by indexers and future users (whether human or machine). -- Douglas Tudhope, Traugott Koch (2004). New Applications of Knowledge Organization Systems: introduction to a special issue.
Last updated: 2024 -07-22
1. 2024 NKOS Consolidated Workshop program released
- Sept. 9 and 10, 2024. 9:00-12:30 EDT. Virtual
- [Click to check your local time: Day 1 (Sept. 9 Wed.) and Day 2 (Sept. 10 Thursday)]
- Overview| Program Schedule |
- Selected papers will be scheduled for a special issue of Knowledge Organization.
2. Special Issue of Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS) on NKOS. Apr. 2024, Volume 5 Issue 1 published.
- Guest-Editors: Joseph Busch and Douglas Tudhope.
- Download: PDF (288 KB)
- Related NKOW Workshop presentations
3. [new] Conservation controlled vocabularies | collected by Linked Conservation Data consortium
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NKOS Dublin Core Application Profile (version 0.2) 2015-09
The DCMI/NKOS Task Group targets to develop a Dublin Core Application Profile for KOS resources based on the work the NKOS group members have already done during the last decade. The application profile will be further tested by professionals and researchers.
- Task Group official webpage: 突破国区/ID限制 自建iOS APP在线安装页面 - Hello World:2021-7-10 · 准备工作 提取需要分享的iOS APP iOS的APP为.ipa格式,我伔需要将其提取,供用户下载,在这里我推荐一个最为简单且来自官方的.ipa文件提取方式。iTunes是最后一个依旧支持App管理的版本(点击下载
Working wiki archive:
- NKOS Dublin Core Application Profile (version 0.2) | Namespace:
- html:
- NKOS Types Vocabulary
- html:
- | Basel Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications, developed by Basel University Library, Switzerland, 2013 --
- Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV) | Provides a choice of several hundreds of LOD vocabularies, based on quality requirements including URI stability and availability on the Web, use of standard formats and publication best practices, quality metadata and documentation, identifiable and trustable publication body, proper versioning policy. 2011 --
- BioPortal | the world's most comprehensive repository of biomedical ontologies
- FINTO | a Finnish thesaurus and ontology service, which enables both the publication and browsing of vocabularies. | Wiki about thesauri and ontology
- Heritage Data | Linked Data Vocabularies for Cultural Heritage
- *[new] Conservation controlled vocabularies | by Linked Conservation Data consortium
- Library of Congress Linked Data Services – Authorities and Vocabularies
- EU Vocabularies | Access to vocabularies managed by the EU institutions and bodies. This includes controlled vocabularies, schemas, ontologies, data models, etc.
- shadowrocket在线安装 | Provides multiple Getty vocabularies, (AAT, TGN, and ULAN), with a comprehensive list of query templates and documentation.
- Metadata Registry | The Registry provides a means for to identify, declare and publish through registration their metadata schemas (element/property sets), schemes (controlled vocabularies) and Application Profiles (APs).
- ISO 25964. Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies.
Part 1: Thesauri for information retrieval (Published December 2011)
Part 2: Interoperability with other vocabularies (Published March 2013)
- Download XML schema and data model:
- Related article: "From ISO 2788 to ISO 25964: the evolution of thesaurus standards towards interoperability and data modeling". Information Standards Quarterly, 2012 Winter 24(1):20-26. PDF
- ISO 25964 SKOS extension (iso-thes) 2015
- Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS) Namespace Document 25 May 2012, W3C
The Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS) is a metadata vocabulary to describe semantic interoperability assets (such as data dictionaries, data models, code lists, XML schemas and RDF models) . Full specification: Namespace Doc:
- Special Issue of Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS) on NKOS. Guest-Editors: Joseph Busch and Douglas Tudhope.
Online. Download: PDF (288 KB)
- NKOS (European) Workshops archive (2000 - )
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NKOS Workshops and Special MeetingsNKOS Workshops at Shadowrocket官方网站-小火箭免费下载:2021-11-19 · Shadowrocket,小火箭下载,小火箭,Shadowrocket下载,免费Shadowrocket下载,最新版Shadowrocket下载 , 苹果版Shadowrocket下载 ,Shadowrocket官网下载,shadowroket免登陆下载,
- NKOS Workshop at DCMI 2024, Seoul, South Korea, September 26, 2024 [Program & presentaiton files]
- The joint 18th European NKOS Workshop at TPDL 2018 and DC-2018, Porto, Portugal, September 13, 2018. (Also listed under European NKOS Workshops)
- The 11th U.S. NKOS Workshop. October 28, 2017. as part of DC-2017 in Crystal City, VA (Washington, D.C.). [Program ] [Presentations]
- The 16th European NKOS Workshop at DC-2016, October 15, 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Also listed under European NKOS Workshops
- NKOS Workshop at DC 2008, Berlin, Wed., September 24, 2008. The preliminary agenda is on the preparation wiki pag
- NKOS Special Session at DC-2005 "Enhancing the Understanding of Meaning: Practical Applications of Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS)" (September 13, 2005). Program
- Metadata Value Spaces, special session at DC2003, Seattle from Sept. 28 - Oct. 2, 2003.
US NKOS Workshops (held in USA; 1997- 2012, see also above, held at DCMI)
- The 10th NKOS Workshop, "Semantic Search: Magnet for the Needle in the Search Haystack", a Joint NKOS-CENDI Workshop, December 6, 2012, DOT Media Center, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington DC.
- The 9th NKOS Workshop, "shadowrocket 飞吧订阅教程 iOS系统 - 58资源站:2021-4-27 · 由于飞吧目前只提供v2ray的订阅,所众请按如下步骤添加v2ray的订阅地址,步骤相同。 1:前往用户中心查看App Store账号,国区App Store已下架) 注意: 只需要登录App Store,不需要登录iCloud,登录下载后请…", a Joint CENDI/NKOS Workshop, October 22, 2009, The National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD.
- The 8th NKOS Workshop "Shadowrocket for iOS - 支持文档:2021-12-10 · 在 iOS 设备上使用 Shadowrocket Shadowrocket 系统要求: iOS 10 及众上 软件版本: Shadowrocket 最新版 设备要求: iPhone/iPad 1. 如果国区账户无 Shadowrocket APP ...", a Joint NKOS/CENDI Workshop, September 11, 2008, The World Bank, Washington, DC.
- The 7th NKOS workshop "Next Generation Knowledge Organization Systems: Integration Challenges and Strategies" at JCDL 2005 June 10 and 11, Denver.
- The 6th NKOS Workshop "Building a Meaningful Web: From Traditional Knowledge Organization Systems to New Semantic Tools" at 2003 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), May 31, 2003, Houston, TX. Workshop summary by Dagobert Soergel (ppt) was presented at the ECDL02 NKOS Workshop.
- The 5th NKOS Workshop "Digital gazetteers Integration into distributed digital library services" at the 2002 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, July 18th, Portland, Oregon. Workshop Summary (WORD file)
- The 4th NKOS Workshop "Classification Crosswalks: Bringing Communities Together" at the First ACM+IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) on June 28th, 2001 in Roanoke, VA.
- The 3rd NKOS Workshop at the 2000 ACM Digital Libraries Conference in San Antonio, Wednesday June 7th.
- The 2nd NKOS Workshop at the 1999 ACM Digital Libraries Conference in Berkeley, Saturday August 14th
- NKOS Workshops at the 1998 and 1997 ACM Digital Libraries Conferences: description of the workshop and notes from the workshop.
European NKOS Workshops (2000 - ) at Github
- 2024 - at TPDL, Oslo, Norway.
- shadowrocket小火箭安卓下载 – at TPDL/DCMI joint conference, Porto, Portugal. Proceedings
- 2017 – at TPDL, Thessaloniki, Greece. Proceedings
- 2016 – at joint DC/ASIST, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 2015 – at TPDL, Poznań, Poland.
- 2014 – at joint TPDL & JCDL, London, UK.
- 2013 – at TPDL, Valletta, Malta.
- shadowsock下载 ios – at TPDL, Paphos, Cyprus.
- 2011 – at (renamed) TPDL (Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries), Berlin, Germany.
- 2010 – at ECDL, Glasgow, Scotland.
- 2009 – at ECDL, Corfu, Greece.
- 2008 – NKOS Special Session at DCMI 2008, Berlin, Germany
- 2008 – at ECDL, Aarhus, Denmark.
- 2007 – at ECDL, Budapest, Hungary.
- 2006 – at ECDL, Alicante, Spain.
- 2005 – NKOS Special Session at DC-2005, Madrid, Spain
- 2005 – at ECDL, Vienna, Austria.
- 2004 – at ECDL, Bath, England.
- 2003 – at ECDL, Trondheim, Norway.
- 2002 – NetLab conference, Lund, Sweden
- shadowsock下载 ios – at ECDL (European Conference on Digital Libraries), Lisbon, Portugal.
ASIS&T Annual Meeting -- NKOS sessions
"If You Build It, Will They Come? – A Discussion of Use Cases and Barriers of Using the Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) Available as Linked Open Data (LOD)" (abstract) -- Panel presentations at ASIS&T 2015
- Marcia Lei Zeng (Kent State University): New Functions of LOD KOS Beyond “Value Vocabularies” and Barriers in the Current Practices of Using Them (ppt)
- Marjorie Hlava (Access Innovations, Albuquerque): Implementing Linked Open Data in a Controlled Vocabulary (ppt)
- Joseph A. Busch (Taxonomy Strategies, Washington, DC): What’s Missing from SKOS, Why is It Missing, and What Should be Done About It? (ppt)
- Olga Buchel (Counting Opinions, Canada): Improving Usability of Geospatial LOD KOS with Map-based Visualizations (ppt)
- Maja Žumer (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) moderator
"Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) as Linked Data Services" (abstract) -- Panel presentations at ASIS&T 2014
- Joseph A Busch& Vivian Bliss (Taxonomy Strategies): Changing from a Hierarchical Classification to a Linked Data Standard: American Physical Society (APS) Taxonomy Case Study (ppt)
- Imma Subirats (FAO of UN) & Marcia Lei Zeng (Kent State University): Shadowrocket - Ctcloud:下载配置教程 点击这里查看。 由于中国区Shadowrocket已下架,您可使用自己的 其他国家区域 账号购买Shadowrocket或者使用我伔提供的美区账号。 要使用我伔提供的美区账号请前往 用户中心 查看“ 用户须知 ” … (ppt)
- Marjorie Hlava (Access Innovations): How about Linked data and triples - making them a reality (ppt)
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- Ed O’Neill & Jeff Mixter, (OCLC Research): IOS离线安装Shadowrocket客户端 - 小草博客 ~ 个人博客:2021-5-2 · 说明 众所周知,因为某些原因,大陆区用户apple id无法在app store下载ShadowRocket,特创建本仓库免验证ID的软件 Shadowrocket v2.1.12,方便小伙伴伔,离线使用ipa文件安装应用程序。版本低一点但是不影响正常使用,主要是为大家提供免验证 ... (ppt)
- Marcia Lei Zeng (Kent State University) & Maja Zumer (University of Ljubljana): Managing and Sharing KOS
through Registries and RDFa/microdata Using a Metadata Application Profile (ppt)- Xia Lin (Drexel University): Meaningful Concept Displays for KOS--based Searching and Browsing
- [Joseph A Busch (Taxonomy Strategies)]::Evaluating Taxonomies (recorded ppt)
"Semantic Metadata as Linked Data Building Blocks" (abstract) -- Panel presentations at ASIS&T 2012
Joseph Busch, [Marjorie Hlava], Marcia Zeng and [Gail Hodge]
- Joseph Busch: Semantic Metadata, A Tale of Two Types of Vocabularies (ppt)
- Marcia Lei Zeng: shadowrocket账号购买 - 好看123:2021-6-1 · shadowrocket账号购买,shadowrocket免费节点二维码,付费shadowsock账号,ssr加速器官网,shadowrocket账号分享,shadowrocket已购账号,quantumult共享账号2021,shadowrocket已购苹果id共享,shadowrocket官网,shadowrocket使用方法. (ppt)
"Linked Data --Enabling Standards and Other Approaches" -- Panel presentations at ASIS&T- 2010
- Gail Hodge: Introduction. (ppt)
- Sam Oh: Linked Data and Identifiers. (ISO TC46/SC9 (Identification and Description activities updates; the second edition of Web Ontology Language (OWL2)) (ppt)
- Jon Phipps: SKOS: A W3C Recommendation. (ppt)
- Ed Summers: RDFa -- Linked Data on the Web We Have. (external link)
- Mark Needleman and Jody DeRidder: NISO I2 (Institutional Identifiers) (ppt)
- Marcia Zeng, Jon Phipps, and Ed Summers: Introducing W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group (LLD XG) (ppt)
"Knowledge Organization: Evaluating Foundation and Function in the Information Ecosystem" -- Panel presentations at ASIS- 2010
- Marjorie Hlava: Introduction to the panel. (ppt)
- Hollie White: Framing NKOS Evaluation: HIVE’s Approach. (ppt)
- Denise A. D. Bedford: Shadowrocket - 在线安装:2021-3-9 · Shadowrocket (ppt)
- Gail Hodge, Information International Associates (IIa): Evaluating NKOS in the EPA Enterprise: Supporting Real Ecosystems (ppt)
Web Service-based Applications: Optimizing Indexing, Searching, and Terminology Services, ASIST 2008 (shadowrocket ios使用).
- Rebecca Guenther. A Registry for controlled vocabularies at the Library of Congress (ppt)
- Diane Vizine-Goetz. OCLC Terminology Services beta: Architecture & Standards (link)
- Dongming Zhang. Developing a Webservice-based MeSH indexing Tool for Health Science Repository System (ppt)
Other NKOS Workshops and Sessions
- Metadata Modeling, Deep Image Annotation, and KOS Vocabulary Development for Digital Collections of Cultural Objects - NKOS Workshop at ICADL 2018, the 20th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries. Nov. 19-22, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
- Metadata Modeling and Knowledge Representation for Research Data, NKOS/DCMI workshop at ICADL 2016, the 18th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries. December 5-9, 2016, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.
- Progress in NKOS, The First NKOS Workshop at ICADL
December 9, 2015, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
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- NKOS Special Meeting at the NetLab conference, April 12, 2002, Lund University, Sweden
Discussion of standard developments regarding the use of thesauri, classification and other KO systems on the net .
- Digital Gazetteer Information Exchange (DGIE) workshop, funded by the NSF, October 1999.
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International UDC Seminars
NKOS Registry
- NKOS Draft Registry, Thesaurus Description Attributes
- Version 3 NKOS Draft Registry, with Reference Document for Data Elements - Draft, 14 June 2001
Taxonomy of Knowledge Organization Systems
- Taxonomy of Knowledge Organization Systems (draft)
Vocabulary Mark-up Language (Voc-ML)
Vocabulary ML: Metacode strawman DTD draft (developed in 2000, superseded by other activities such as SKOS and some of the ISO standards work on terminologies)
Research projects for terminlogy services (early pioneers)
- The NKOS list is hosted by OCLC.
To send messages FOR DELIVERY TO THE WHOLE LIST, use or send to: NKOS-L@oclclists.orgTo send your first message, you will need to get a new password:
1. Go to .
2. Request a new password.
3. From a confirmation email, click the confirmation link to confirm.
4. Go back to, choose "Post to the list".
5. Use the form to compose and send your message. You may attach files.- Archive of NKOS discussion list messages from 6/2001 to 5/2007 has been hosted at DLI2 server
- All NKOS discussion list messages' archive is now hosted at OCLC. The owner is Diane Vizine-Goetz
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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